Ah yes, the season of resolutions. The time of year when the amount of gym memberships increase and people vow to get more use out of their Fit-bits and Apple Watches. Where diets last for a week or two before becoming too much to deal with, and we all eventually fall back into our same tired habits and routines after giving our resolutions our best shot.
I think that instead of making resolutions for the new year, we should do more reflecting on the previous year, and not in a negative way. We could sit around and wish that things had been different or that we hadn't gained those extra twenty pounds in Italy, or that we hadn't made that stupid mistake that one time; OR we could look back on how far we've come and what we have accomplished in the last 365 days.
For me, I am really proud of myself and how far I've come since last January 1st. This time last year I was waiting to go abroad and find an escape from the struggles I had been having at home. I needed a distraction for myself, away from the hectic scene at Miami and the same-old routine. I guess you could say that I had a resolution of sorts, that I was looking to be more independent and stable, and that I was going to look for that in Italy.
Looking back, I went above and beyond what I ever thought was possible. I have been happier and more content with my life than I have ever been. I moved from Rome to New York City to Miami within months, navigating hundreds of adventures along the way. I survived living in a foreign country for FOUR MONTHS without being able to speak the native language, and I made dozens of new lifelong friends during a time when I felt pretty alone in the world.
I feel so confident and good about myself, even though it's easy to look at the new year with adjustments I wish to make for myself. I wish I were ten pounds thinner and had a couple thousand more followers on Instagram and a few thousand more dollars in my bank account. But looking at the stuff that really matters - friends and family - I am more content than I've ever been. I'm so lucky to be surrounded by so many amazing people and feel so loved this year.
It's hard to wish for anything more of myself when I'm doing my best and feeling great about it. I challenge everyone not to look at the flaws this year, but to applaud the improvements you've made and vow to continue to be your best. It's much more fulfilling when you aren't setting stressful and impossible standards for yourself, so instead, focus on appreciating all that you already are, which I'm sure is pretty amazing.
Happy 2019 and best wishes for the New Year!